My recent insight: Divinity is in direct proportion to awareness. The more aware I become the more I approach that Divinity. Absolute awareness is synonymous with absolute Divinity. Hence for me the sun itself becomes one & the same with the luminosity of the source. True there may be a source of Light more brilliant than the sun but all we know comes from the brilliance of our star. Astronomy teaches us that our planet, our home, hived off the sun itself. All our light, all our life, comes directly from that brilliance. It stands as always as the luminous centre of our awareness. There may be other places to live in this great multiverse but there is no doubt that the planet Earth is the most beauteous most abundant spot in all Creation. We must open our eyes. We are living in the Garden of Eden. Water. Light. My quest... your quest is to enter into the luminous. Let that light pour in. Manifest the Light yourself. The more aware... the more radiant you become the closer we approach the source of Light of Divine Awareness that engenders us forever.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Monday, 25 August 2014
The King of Cups is my card in the Tarot Deck. The King of Cups has perfect mastery over the element in question: water; feelings, the soul, beliefs, matters of the heart. He offers you & I , in his outstretched hand, the Holy Grail. It speaks to me, at my core, of my old friend John who knows me better than anyone I know. John is a brilliant psychiatrist.... a “healer of the soul” (in direct translation from the Greek). It is a profound sadness when people become disordered & ailing in the function of their minds & more deeply of their souls. All illness, in the end, is spiritual illness. I deeply respect the physicians willing to address rationally & compassionately those of us who have become unhinged from our true selves. It takes great courage to proffer an open hand to show a way out of the fire of their chaos. John with clear eyes & unblinking gaze & deep skill is a master of the art of healing the soul.
Sunday, 17 August 2014
The metaphor we will all agree upon is The Journey. The Journey through space. The Journey through time. The Journey through life. The Spiritual Journey. Who are your traveling companions? Where are you from? Where are you going? Which vessel have you chosen? Who is the captain? Is there a captain? When I was 26, I spent three months hitchhiking through Spain. I learned for the first time to be alone with myself. I learned to trust complete strangers. Somehow I always arrived at the place I needed to be. In one piece. I fall in love with my life all over again. There are so many places to go. So many wonders to see. So many people to meet. My fellow traveller, let us walk up the path aways together. Where are you from? Where are you going? Tell me your story.
Sunday, 10 August 2014

On Friday noon at holy convent school
The girls say grace before the chowder soup.
Our mother superior lifts the ocean grail
& Brother Jesus splashes his silver tail.
My favourite Beatle George begins to sing
And thirteen moons like pearls on silver string
Arise in sequence from the sea of mirth.
The salmon swim, swim for the rivers of their birth.
In our month, it’s half and half, the sun is seen.
The night of winter turns to water green.
The world’s a little rock in empty black
But under silver skin we find no gap.
The fish is the ticket to the undertow.
My heart is not a muscle red or frail.
On the skin of the fish it’s a silver scale.
Can I breathe and breathless be?
The deep is as deep as it’s always been.
The fish is the ticket to the undertow.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

I ease back into the cloud bank, the easy chair of certainty. “All is flux all is new, but not this love I know of You”. 

Monday, 4 August 2014
Depthless deep & emerald green, the ocean surges.
Upon his throne of stone he sits.
His ship of state, becalmed, awaits the wind.
Will you drink & quench your thirst?
O did you need to know for sure at first?
& from water he emerges, into water he submerges,
The King of Kings before you sits.
The light, the light, to see without... within.
Will you drink & quench your thirst?.
O did you need to know for sure at first?
& now you feel the waters flow.
Now you know you know you know.
The golden light, the flower’s flow.
The source is deep & wide & clear.
The golden light, the flower’s flow.
The source is deep & wide & clear.
The veil of mist, above, around, converges
& you, in doubt, once said “Does He exist?
The wind has caught your sail… the wind... the wind.
Will you drink & quench your thirst?
O did you need to know for sure at first?
& now you feel the waters flow.
Now you know you know you know.
The golden light, the flower’s flow.
The source is deep & wide & clear.
The golden light, the flower’s flow.
The source is deep & wide & clear.
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