I love the moment, the hour, the day when the sunlight starts to come back. The Winter Solstice. St. Lucy's day. Advent. The darkness on the Prairies in December nudges me into the folds of my parka... into the cushions of my sofa in the chilly studio... into the deep caves of my melancholy. Today I breathe easier. Morning comes moments earlier. Time itself inspires... expires & I feel the opening up of possibility once again. Our solar system unfurls the overture of life returning in the lengthening of days. I worry too much. Life is so precious... so beautiful. I have the great gift of days ahead of me. I am releasing the knots from my brow..the kinks in my soul & celebrating the sun rising anew from the cold white fields of Saskatchewan, like the Phoenix lifting from the ashes. I am so glad to be alive today. Yes. That is my word today. YES! Today & always.... YES!!!