As always it comes back to the real... to the here & now. Kit Kat ... a black cat with green gold eyes & the pinkest of tongues... prowls the tall grass, eyes the ladybugs scuttling after aphids along the Cottonwood roots, sniffs the dew on the fender of the junkyard Half Ton, ears perked to the magpies scrawling up on the rooftops of the garden shed, delicately touches the tip of his tongue to the tuna fish flakes tumbled from a tin can in the toppled trash bin, lets the night breeze off the slough-pond whisk his whiskers. My greatest humility is to fully acknowledge that being Human is not enough. I join the circle of all sentient beings. My freedom is not just for my fellow Man. I accept the sovereignty of each & every creature in this bounteous Universe. The black cat called Kit Kat narrows his gaze. He sees me. Blinks once... twice. He knows.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Thursday, 21 July 2016
My brilliant young friend Jordan Sasakamoose stands as the new man of the upcoming flowering of the human tribe. Cree Nation… Canadian.… Citizen of the World…. Intergalactic…. we are birthing a new type of human. Jordan has fingers of lightning. The electric guitar sings in the thunderstorm of his music. I now understand Death Metal. It is the deep rhythm of the explosion of stars…. the boiling of magma in the heart of the volcano… the lion roar of creation in the face of the void. In Jordan I meet one of my warrior brothers. We are warriors of the light. We are ready for what has to come. We are not afraid. We accept the challenge.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Tuesday, 5 July 2016
When I was a child I was frightened of the dark. On autumn nights as the moonless sky grew cold I sat by the fire & drew comfort from the dancing light. The black surrounding welled with fear & I drew closer to the glowing embers & wrapped myself in my poncho, glad of the circle of my fellow beings. When I stood up from the circle of yellow & white & submerged myself in the darkness my first feeling was apprehension. At once, I knew in the dark I was the dark & that darkness offered a new freedom. A freedom from fear. Darkness is akin to stillness. The dark is the loamy top soil of a freshly turned flowerbed. The dark is fertile with possibility. The magnetic field of the Universe awaiting the first heavenly body. It is from the dark that all creation emerges. Do not fear the dark. Embrace it.
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