Thursday, 29 September 2016

Thursday, 22 September 2016
What soothes my primal drive? I confess I harbour a molten orange core of rage that pulsates in my inner heart . I like to call it my masculine nature but it really is just my foul anger at all the creative forces that dared put me here in this beautiful blue watery place. I accept. I accept. The red lion of rage is really on a certain level who I am. The true nature of the Universe holds back but She is there. She strokes my fiery mane. She circles my gnarly neck with garlands of forget-me-nots. How did I forget? How do I forget? I am protected & guided at all times. The nature of the Universe is two fold... compassion & truth. The Divinity of the Universe is fact. I know it in my molten furnace of a heart. The Divinity is verifiable if I only just stop trying to grasp it... to wrestle it to the ground... to possess it. That Divinity is female. The feminine... that is the deeper principle. The flames die down. surrender to the cool indigo light of the setting full moon at dawn.
Saturday, 17 September 2016
ECLIPSE.... (eclipse)
The fire lion…. the burning core that still consumes me… as a male… as a mortal... I wrestle with my options… should I stake my claim & rage… rage against the dying of the light… burn with righteous anger… just say no… or do I sheath my claws… submit to the great unfolding… expose my vulnerable underbelly… surrender to the ever-rising tide… let it be… I align myself with the vortex… that burgeoning power of the great Sun energy… the momentum of the masculine… but I know the true embrace is the vast still field of the female... the encompassing… the enfolding… I no longer seek dominion but union… the fire has burned long enough in the crucible… my alchemy… convert flame to pure white light
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Is it one? Or is it two? Is it two? Or is it one? The male pulls apart from the female. The female reaches down. The male stretches up. Ah surrender… surrender. Rage cooled by serenity. The red succumbs to the white. The physical pulls away from the spiritual. The beast wrestles with the angel. The cool hands stroke the fiery mane. The fire quenched by the cool breeze. The fire stirs the spiral of the wind. The vortex spirals outward, inward… round & round…. on & on…. & so it goes, Caress…. thrust…. ease ….. strive…. grip… release… Circles… Circles. The Red Lion. The White Woman. The sun touches the green line of the sky on the verge of the horizon. Two great principles in the embrace of the One.
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