Wednesday, 26 February 2020


What I love about cats (as compared to say dogs) - they are all the same in basic design but completely individual in their selves. Vincent remains the most handsome, cool cat I have ever known. He is the familiar of my friend Victoria. In the alley, behind where we lived, there was a Saskatoon Eastside Story gang of assorted cats who would congregate in & around our porch. Vincent never had to puff out his tail or hiss to establish dominance. He had the authority of Ramses II or Louis XIV. The other cats deferred to his presence. He lived outdoors as much as indoors. His one foible - he never knew whether he wanted in or out. While inside, he stared longingly at the outside while making the slightest mewl. Within minutes of getting his wish he would stare longingly at the inside from outside until let in. This sometimes went on for hours. Inside or Outside... which is it Vincent?

Saturday, 15 February 2020


Cats live on a higher dimension than us mere humans. Try to figure out how they see - what they know. Look in their eyes. A cat is satisfied just being a cat. No questions asked. A cat revels in his individual self. "I am what I am and that's all what I am." No apologies. No shame. No guilt. If a mouse needs to be toyed with mercilessly for a lingering while before the inevitable, gratuitous execution - so be it. Bring on the mouse. What did you expect?  After the blood sport there are whiskers to clean in the late afternoon sun. Move on. We humans are always looking in the mirror. My shadow self arouses a kind of horror. I see a me I would rather not see. I call that a 'conscience' It is really just a reluctance to fully embrace the other side of who I truly am.