For the sake of the rest of us, the great heroes of our history are called upon to enter into the presence of death - of genuine mortal suffering - with open eyes & flowering courage. The fear is real. They accept that by welcoming death through personal sacrifice all will change. Adam, Osiris, Woden, Jesus died on the tree they were bound to. Francis of Assisi , Thomas More, Joan of Arc, Gandhi, JFK, RFK, MLK, JL (the list of the luminous goes on) all accepted the necessity of suffering followed by certain death to open our eyes to the freedom of the true Kingdom that lies just below the surface.
Are you like me not ensnared by the bonds of cause and circumstance, by the perimeter of flesh, by the parenthesis of intelligence? Visions of the Divine come to me in flashes. Usually when the very sky seems to be falling all around me. The Creation is perfect. It cannot be changed for the better or for the worse. The rope that binds me contains me. The time-bound captivity of the span of my lifetime becomes manageable. I solve the puzzle set before me one piece at a time. The chains I used to chafe against are loose these days. I could cast them off but I choose not to. I Still have a ways to go.