Tell me about reality. Oh, you human of the five senses. Take them away one by one. Where do you find yourself? I have discovered the gift of illusion. Smoke and mirrors. Turn the plane into space, add the element of time.... the Matrix, the continuum.. next add the briefest of moments, turn on the sparkling scintillation of cortex, the temporal lobe. Ah, here we are. Some of my favourites.. Please Google: Mantegna of the powerful toes... his inner domes. Check out the skull in The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein....blows your mind don’t it? And all of Dali... almost too much like a bad dream trip, but necessary. My cubism contains little tricks of time & space. I desire red paint that opens the door to Andalusia. Castanets please! Takataka Takatak TakaTaka TAK! & now friends, behold the RED GUITAR.....
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