Why do we feel this world is our dominion? I am so fatigued with the arrogance of my species Homo Exaltatiens. The living creatures of this beautiful planet are myriad. I choose to see this world, & yes, the Universe at large, as one interwoven living organism. Humankind teeters out of balance from the symbiotic harmony that defines our place in the Creation. Yes… I use the images of animals to tell a story in my paintings. In my work, I see the symbolism of the Age of the Ram giving way to the Age of the Fish at the time of Akhenaten while the Dove of the Resurrection rises up & the Cobra of Eternity coils above the head of the Emperor. But I see also that each of these creatures has its place in the Creation as living, conscious spiritual entities… no more inferior to me than woman is inferior to man, or one race from the other. That will be true spiritual liberation when all sentient beings exist on the same plane as beloved equals.

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