The simple & complete nature of poetry is to place two dissimilar objects against each other & to create a third more powerful identity. “The Ace of Swords”… perhaps the one great card in the Tarot deck of the pure power in unity… in the knowing…. the clear use of the rational mind to achieve enlightenment. A simple card but there are elements that seem disparate… hard to reconcile….. the palm frond…. the olive branch… the six drops of gold…. the crown itself…. the blue mountains… the grey sky….. The olive branch is clear to me….the offering of peace… the symbol brought to Noah after the catastrophe of the great Deluge… & the palm frond…. perhaps the branches laid at the feet of the master as he entered the city for the final time… but the six drops of gold… that to me is a mystery…. explained in some arcane text… but not open to easy interpretation. My role as poet… as artist… as mystic... is to unfurl the holy scrolls… to present the code in the sacred text… & then to decode even a sentence or two….. One fact for certain…. we are dealing with great mystery whose meaning we have only just begun to glimpse…..

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