Thursday 14 March 2013


The Moon’s Austere Command  (for Kat February 14 2013)

The oceans rise at moon’s austere command
& I, no less, am stirred by your embrace. 
For you, my love, lift veils to show your face.
The clouds unfurl, reveal our secret land.

& if the moon, the virgin queen of dreams 
Can frost the fiery sheets on which we lie,
In coils & strokes & licks of shuddered sigh,
Our burning love, my sweet’s not what it seems.

The breeze by which our passion’s flame is fanned
Will ebb away & let the night erase.
The path of light upon the water gleams.
That steadfast source is true & cannot die.
The moon, the moon - she bathes our darkened room.
Her silver seals the everlasting tomb.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


THE CHALLENGE: PAINT GLASS MOVING THROUGH WATER. How do we perceive light? How do we know the difference between water & glass. If the arrow stayed still there might be planes that refract & reflect differently. But we would likely notice no difference. With movement we see the difference. The purity of glass moving through the purity of water. I believe in GRACE. Grace is beauty in time.... beauty in movement. We call our esteemed leaders... "Your Grace"... because with great, noble leadership time itself becomes beautiful. We speak of God's grace because in the movement of time we see the beauty of the spirit as it moves through eternity & stirs our spirits to pierce through the veils of mortality. The Glass Arrow moves through the crystal clear water... sends shivers to our very core.