Saturday 16 December 2017

WHITE TARA ( The Great Mother)

The spirit that never dies
is called the mysterious feminine.
Although she becomes the whole universe,
her immaculate purity is never lost.
Although she assumes countless forms,
her identity remains intact.

The gateway to the mysterious female
is called the root of creation.

Listen to her voice,
hear it echo through creation.
Without fail, she reveals her presence.
Without fail, she brings us to our own perfection.
Although it is invisible, it endures;
it will never end. 

VERSE 6 The Tao te Ching (Lao Tzu)

Saturday 25 November 2017


& after the fire has all burned down what underpins the structure of the ether? Is it dark matter? Is it the void? Is it the voice of God? The voice of God is Silence. My explorations take me to the very brink of an emptiness so exquisite all that remains is my breath held at the verge of turning back on itself.  & it is in this tension... in the paradox... one vs two vs three vs the ten thousand worldly things that the understanding lies. I tease it apart like the components of a single atom. It must be held in this abeyance or else the fire that lies within the heart of the single point explodes outward like the fire-dragon of all that is. & it starts over...  like it always has & will. The still point & the coiling dragon....  burning & turning... burning & turning. Can I hold this contradiction up in the blue, blue sky of the Mind? I can. I will it. The centre holds.

Wednesday 22 November 2017


The myths of yore: Salamanders were born from fire. I imagine this strange idea comes out of the shape of the flames licking up form the embers like so many red & white & yellow & orange lizards. The real salamander is cool & wet &  often green & lives below rocks in the dew. Associated with the heraldic emblems of medieval kings, the salamander graced the flags of knights in battle gear. How does the imagination of man work?  No less fantastic than the imagination of the Divinity that creates all the multitudes of earthly form. The fire dragon that sprang from the furnace forge of my vision echoes the circle form of the Salamander on the robes of the Royalty in the Major Arcana of theTarot… opens a key in the chest of Alchemy.  All these are clues… mirrors as it were to see through the flame to the clear blue of day.

Friday 17 November 2017

FIRE DRAGON… the heart of the Sun

I sit on a spinning rock that circles a middle-aged star that careens smoothly on the outer edge of a spiral galaxy… one of several billion in the universe that is merely one universe in the multiverse.  I found out yesterday that two thirds of the living soil of this earth is made from the mycelia of mushrooms that form the largest living organism on this fragile intergalactic body. Mushroom mycelia communicate with the speed of light. Mushroom spores can survive travel through the deep expanses of deep space. The entire akashic record and all we need to know… including the DNA code that unfolds life itself is prestidigitated  into those little spores that have travelled across the blackest, emptiest seas of space. & here we are. The sun with  the  dense singularity at its  core calmly warms  the bountiful afternoons of my brief foray here. Earth, Air, Water & Fire. Which is more important. Today… I am saying …. Fire!

Thursday 9 November 2017

FIRE DRAGON.... (black hole)

So, what is at the centre of the Universe? Is it a singularity ... a black hole... a point that pulls the entire Creation back into a solid empty black dot... or is it the Great Mother of The Tao that blossoms forth like a time lapse lotus opening & opening? In truth, it is both.... simultaneously... an emptiness & a presence.... the Nothing... & the Everything. The Fire Dragon sits on the fine line. Allow the paradox. It is in that tension that consciousness itself sits poised.

Monday 30 October 2017


In the last two years I have finally dedicated myself to a way of living. This path is simple & yet it is complete. Like the majestic loon, the certainty of this awareness flies with the use of two wings… each no more important than the other. One wing is the wing of wisdom… the other is the wing of compassion. Wisdom & Compassion… these are the two principles I can build my spiritual life around. To see with the discernment of the clear mind. To feel with the deep loving-kindness of the open heart. My practice deepens daily. The span of one life seems too short to enter a full expression of this knowing. I am no longer attached to the outcome. I dedicate myself to the path one day at a time. Wisdom & Compassion… the two wings of the practice. What else is there to know?

Sunday 22 October 2017


  In August, I spent seven days in the silence of a meditation retreat on the edge of a lake in sub-arctic Saskatchewan. In the summer, with a generously stocked picnic hamper, a water-tight tent & a good sleeping bag, I felt I was an integral part of the forest. One of the deep emotions I unexpectedly arrived at was that of knowing myself anew as a stranger in a strange land.  I saw that when the nights grew long & the snow started to fly & the devilled eggs & fancy rice crackers were but a memory I could not survive even a few days in that tough landscape. I heard around me the soul-piercing cry & echo of the loons at home in the depths & reaches of their glassy black lake. Loons are regal birds, their backs covered with the splayed pattern of the Milky Way, their eyes red as the last light of the dying sun... certain of their majesty... of their place in this most forbidding, beauteous world. This is a world that requires no human presence. It does just fine without us. I am willing to sit witness at the edge of the many different non-human Kingdoms of Creation.... the Kingdom of the Asteroids beyond Mars... the Kingdom of the Bacteria living abundantly in my large intestine... the Kingdom of the Whispering Birch. I bear witness... in joy... a visitor... a traveller from afar in the Kingdom of the Loons.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

SUNSET (Two Loons... Anglin Lake)

Alas... our little civilization is coming to end. My representative leader in the United States of Amnesia is a paper mache parody of the worst aspects of what a human being should be…. (but he is me & I am he… we mirror & feed each the other). So Be It. The world of the ten thousand things … the world of suffering…. the world of samsara abides. & yet…. & yet…. this summer I floated on the deep, black, cool, liquid quick-silver of a northern lake in the evening as the great fiery sun slid behind the black spruce. LIGHT. LIGHT. LIGHT. All around. There are moments so overwhelmingly beautiful it feels like my heart is about to burst from my very being with joy & gratitude.  There are no words to describe the majesty of those moments. The loons were suddenly silent….waiting for the moon to float violet from the eastern horizon to resume their eerie symphony of calls & echoes. You & I have both been there…. again… & again…. the Creation is quiet & certain in its relentless sustaining flow & flowering of bottomless perfection…. I forget… but I no longer doubt. Hold moments of perfection in your heart… in the palm of your hand… & then breathe it in & then...out…. I am at ease in the seat of my being… in the current of my becoming…

Monday 9 October 2017

NIGHT SKY (Two Loons - Anglin Lake)

Still the greatest mystery: Staring up into the night sky. The vast array. The splayed infinitesimal & endless. How we plunge forward with the details of the moment. Like drops going over the cataract. & yet… & yet….the cosmos sits around us contained & containing. I slow my mind. I open my inward eyes. I enter the emptiness that enfolds… that enfolds all. So delicate. So durable. I dare not breathe. The inspiration ends. Hold. Hold. Hold. Now….release.

Friday 29 September 2017


The Tao gives birth to One.
One gives birth to Two.
Two gives birth to Three.
Three gives birth to all things.
All things have their backs to the female
and stand facing the male.
When male and female combine
all things achieve harmony.
Ordinary men hate solitude.
But the Master makes use of it,
embracing his aloneness,
realizing he is one with the whole Universe.

-Lao Tzu-

(Tao Te Ching, chapter 42)

Thursday 21 September 2017


Cancer is the crocodile
in the Nile of your familiar body
green and long and pale
slim with death thought
hungrier than the river
that is you

You who once ate
langoustines and cracked crab
Moroccan oranges and black chocolate
after white wine of the Loire
and wished only for cool sheets
and deep sure sleep after the Nubian
tiptoed off the pebbled shore
dazzling your skin with
moonkiss and nightshade

                                   Sleep river
the crocodile yawns in your easy flow
sleep the sleep of old Nile
the gods of death are dead
Pharaoh and his scribes are cased in glass
the pyramids have no meaning beyond
their immensity

You are an old river
you are the Nile and the crocodile
cancer is in your blood
slow and heavy as green opium
it grows like a river in flood
it grows
a sphinx face

You are an old woman
with death in your bones
you are the Nile
you are green and long and pale
slim with death thought
you are the crocodile

Thursday 14 September 2017


 The dragon as symbol has meant a great deal to many cultures. Check out the only reason to watch Game of Thrones. In the Garden of Eden it was a dragon that tempted Eve. (albeit a fairly small dragon). Chen Rong an ancient Chinese master painted nine dragons in the thirteenth century to represent an approach and understanding of  the Tao which is my main path in this fleeting life. When Confucius visited Lao Tzu he saw him as a master of dragons.The Dragon represents the mastery and embodying of the chaotic forces of Nature into the Serenity and Stillness of Mind. My dragons are strange mutations of the original... my response to a vision from the past. I hope they fly with wings of fire & thoughts of water.

Friday 8 September 2017

TAO -- NINE DRAGONS (1) Chrysalis.... Birth of Chaos

The riddle presents itself as paradox. The old "yes.... but". To hold two contradictory thoughts in the mind at once. Chaos & Order. Good & Evil. Male & Female. Duality & the One.  The Named & the Nameless. The Known & the Unknown. I could go on. When I try to explain it evaporates like mist in the sun on a northern lake.  I gather my thoughts like clouds on a windy day. I distill my awakening to a single drop of dew. Nothing for it.... it is a mystery...I accept the mystery... I live in the mystery.

Tuesday 29 August 2017


 How to use the darkness as my point of contemplation. The neural webwork of my brain filters the avalanche of possibilities.. the barrage... the hailstorm of stimuli that floods in from all dimensions... My brain reduces the smorgasbord down to one single fact of awareness at any given time...The path to embodying the light involves opening up... expanding awareness...  I cannot take it all in at once.. I cannot contain it all.  The movement moves from the large & inclusive to the focussed & exclusive... I concentrate... bring the attention down to a single band... then down to the single point. I tether my awareness... A process of concentration. A single pixel on the screen. I go back to the moment of the Big Bang. All of reality contained in a single point.

Friday 25 August 2017


My oldest friend Anastasios practises the Buddhism of the Dalai Lama. When he was twenty four he went to a monastery in northern New York state. There a sixty five year old Lama from Tibet had been living a simple life devoted to prayer & contemplation. The monk sat at the front of the gathered group & lead the meditation. He said the whole & exclusive point of his life was to maintain a single band of unwavering light in his mind for all humanity & all sentient beings. Day after day he entered the Hall… entered the silence …. and with the gathered monks & nuns & mendicants….  focussed his mind on that clear line of certainty. Thirty years later, after a whole lot of living, my friend went back to the monastery. The same Lama, now ninety five years old, was leading the same devotion. For all those years, day after day, he had been maintaining that single band of unwavering light.

Thursday 17 August 2017


Intelligence, for me, is not measured in the ability to solve math problems but in the ability to play. Ravens are consummate masters of the art of Joy. They fly like flying is an aerobatic improvisation invented as momentary impulse. Two Ravens riff out a babble of caterwaul  & catcall... stop at the apex of a parabola & then free fall for three seconds in a tandem tumble catching themselves when the wind ruffles their feathers. They remind me to deepen my breath & then to just embrace the possibility of possibility. There are no fixed rules in the unfolding of mirth just the allowing of free form to unfold like a flower in time lapse when time stands still.

Saturday 12 August 2017


The human brain as filter. At any given moment the exquisite machinery of my central nervous system is sparkling, popping, jiggling… lit up with trillions of electrical potentials triggering on off on off on off. It comes at me through my six senses. Endlessly streaming. How can I possibly approach the infinitesimal avalanche of information & stimuli coming at the clarity I call me? All I see is a thin band of the spectral kaleidoscope. I can make sense of that thin slice. & maybe one or two details in the periphery. Can I expand my perceptions? Open a window… or even a chink in the armour of the filters imposed on my knowing? I commit myself to the quiet while sitting in the dark at the stillness of the source. I suspend myself in the ether. I surrender to the emptiness within…. at the centre. It is almost too much. I cannot stop flying the Starship Enterprise while sitting at the controls on the bridge. Gratitude for the filter mechanism of my central nervous system. This is not all or one. I can modulate… fine tune… expand the band width of the slice of perception I am living in this moment... as my teacher tells me.... back to the breath.... breathe & breathe.... & flow......

Monday 22 May 2017


The wings of a raptor. The body of a snake. The claws of a lion. How to embody the shadow in one form. I have a darkness within me. Left unnamed it grows by the minute. In the darkness within I do not know the shape it takes. My ignorance gives it volume & breadth. It coils. It slithers. It pulses. In the garden it took a voice & offered a possibility. Without that knowing I would be an innocent... a creature of the flowers & the fruit. All creation is a mirror of the possible. I hold up the mirror & I see myself in my totality. I crave ferocity. I crave the fire of courage. I crave the fecund & the formless. I am dangerous. I have power. I choose choice where the outcome is uncertain. I slay no serpents. I crave no virgins. I am the dragon. It is the urge from within that makes me become who I am to become.

Monday 15 May 2017


I am not planting a garden this year because the Cottonwood blocks the light in my inner city yard & the vegetables do not flourish. Instead I have germinated 144 random sunflower seeds in planters in my kitchen. I know they will take off in my little square of black dirt.… No carrots or zucchinis… but a dozen dozen, sky-rocketing, sun worshippers.. These are the years when the Sun asserts its dominion. I am okay with that. I sit in a room bathed in sunlight… flooded… inundated… permeated… saturated.The little lemon tree I grew from the seed given to me by me teacher is sprouting new leaves in a clay pot on the window sill. Simple… insistent…. The Sun is merely a face of the greater Light. I add light to the Light. I scatter the shadows. My doubt dissipates…. one quick glance out of the corner of my eye over my shoulder…. I know it is alright. It has always been alright.

Saturday 6 May 2017


A dragon & a pearl. The sun ablaze. The moon cool blue. How the layers overlay like the skins of a coiling snake. If I could only  grasp one immutable truth. It lies in the spiral. In the swirl. The still point. Doubt arises like thunderclouds. Like mist. Like a mirage. The dragon. The pearl. The Sun. The Moon. A Here. A Now. To grasp this. Maybe just to glimpse this. A glance. I am outside the circle... the circling... the circling through eons & eons. Inside the centre holds. The dream evanesces... evaporates. The clouds... the dragon... the sun... the moon... & at the centre...perfect... serene... immutable...                      the pearl. 

Sunday 30 April 2017

THOUGHT BOATS ( for Jeanne my teacher April 2016)

Thought boats float on the open sea.
Think i’ll swim out just to see,
Climb aboard the nearest one
Or let them drift like the sinking sun.

Awake from silent, dreamless sleep
I gaze across the depthless deep.
The moon enthrals the rising tide.
The silver sails in cloudless skies.

Like clouds they gather one by one
Or fish in schools on coral shoals...
The schooner ships of pocket holes,
The freighters free for the freedom run.

The off shore breeze will carry me...
The air electric blue serene. 
Or shall i sit in my clifftop cave
& let them pass in waves on waves?

Thought boats float on the open sea.
Think i’ll swim out just to see,
Climb aboard the nearest one
Or let them drift like the sinking sun.

Tuesday 25 April 2017


I crave an image to embody the entropy of my errant thoughts & visions. The Nataraja… the dancing Shiva…. this of all images is the distillation of who I am… who we are… this encapsulates all I know… all I need to know... the right foot steps on the dwarf of the ego.... the cobra is the divine hidden knowledge… the coiled Kundalini that drives up the fuse of the stem of the spine like the loosened flower blossom of life itself..... the right hand shakes the hourglass of creation… back & forth … the oscillation of the masculine & feminine…. the left hand releases the tempered fire of purification…. the offering of benediction…. the eyes shaded in inward concentration the hair spayed like the delta of the Ganges itself… & death ever-present…. death is the guide… the inner eye of awareness always open…. & all flowing through the dance… the cosmic dance of creation & destruction… birth & death…. & the great destroyer… our Creator steps onto the tips of toes & spins the wheel…. & the dance continues…. even as I write this… I feel the Joy rising up through the great axis of who I am … & I want to move… to sway … to swirl….. can you taste the Bliss?…. join the great circle fellow being… & dance!… dance!… dance!

Wednesday 19 April 2017


Black Elk Circle Poem
You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, 
and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, 
and everything and everything tries to be round. 
In the old days all our power came to us from the sacred hoop 
of the nation and so long as the hoop was unbroken the people 
flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the hoop, 
and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. The east gave peace 
and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain and the north 
with its cold and mighty wind gave strength and endurance. This 
knowledge came to us from the outer world with our religion. 
Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle. 
The sky is round and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball 
and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. 
Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. 
The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon 
does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great 
circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were. 
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is 
in everything where power moves. Our teepees were round like the 
nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation’s hoop, 
a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children. 

Black Elk, Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux 1863-1950 

Friday 14 April 2017


The first activity that made us human was not speech but dance. We came together around a fire. In a circle. There were drums. We began to move together.  A shuffle. A bob. A swoop. A swirl. Pirouette. One two. One two. Grace. Power. Rhythm. A simultaneous movement. This is who we are. Ecstatic… ecstatic together. Eyes hooded. The mind quiet. The beat of the drum. The beat of the heart. Synchronous. This movement seems lost to us. Especially as we grow old. But it is right there. Listen to the beat. Feel it in your toes… in your heels. One step leads to two steps. Remember who you are. Let the fire light warm you. Let the flow of the dance carry you like a river. Become yourself... Lord of the Dance

Thursday 30 March 2017


The ancient Egyptians knew a lot about the transition from this world to the world after living. At the moment of death the heart is weighed by a being with the head of a Golden Wolf. Here’s the beauty… it was weighed against a feather… a Snowy Owl feather. If the heart was heavier than the feather there was no journey to the perfection of eternity. To be light-hearted… to carry no weight of sorrow… of Samsara… in the human heart… what a brilliant injunction. I finally received the message this week. The brain is not where the soul of man resides. The brain is simply the on-board computer that runs the vehicle of my body. It’s importance is all puffery. The memory in the fibres of my heart that is where the nidus of my soul lives. The heart is a pulsing toric electromagnetic field generator. & here is the irony…. to be free… spiritually free… it needs to be light as a Snowy Owl feather.

Saturday 25 March 2017


Have you, like me, not laid in the dark awake?
Have you, like me, not sought an abiding grace?
Have you, like me, not opened your inward eyes?
Have you, like me, not seen the ocean rise?

Can you discard your human skin, oh snake?
Can you not surf & crest on the prism wave?
Can you well up & spread like silver quick...
& then return to the flame of the single wick?

When you become your luminous self divine 
Return to the ebb & flow of timeless time.
The pearl resides beneath the sifting layers
& here is there & now is everywhere.

Sunday 5 March 2017


My deepest love is for the North….. the North & yes for Winter. My nation is Winter. The north defines every aspect of who I am. How to find a symbol to represent that deep, deep love. I saw a Snowy Owl once sitting silent in the middle of a great expanse of tundra up in the Arctic on Banks Island. That is who I am. The Snowy Owl. I stake that claim. I am powerful in solitude… in the depth of winter. I fly silent as a snow flake in an endless snow fall. I embrace Silence. I embrace the pure white of a field filled with snow. From that point of stillness Time itself never moves & never has moved &  every other possibility blossoms forth. Begin again at the beginning. Begin again. As always. It begins.

Tuesday 28 February 2017


I learned a very powerful lesson last summer. I sought, in myself, to understand whether true compassion existed. Not a fleeting awareness of another being’s suffering.... as though a glass darkly….but a true deep shared experience of what they were going through. I affirmed with adamant certainty that I have that compassion at the source of my being. It is unassailable. That certainty opened an understanding for me that has changed everything. If that compassion absolutely exists in me it exists in the Universe as well. I am but a small shard of the abiding brilliance of the Creation. My compassion is but a drop in the ocean of the Compassion that abides throughout. This was the complete melting of all my resistance. There is a loving presence at the Alpha and the Omega. What I thought was the Void in an instant became the Presence. I am still trying to fully embody the depth & power of this understanding. 

Tuesday 21 February 2017


What is the arcane quest to turn lead to gold? Therein lies the great mystery that we continue to cloak in our rational pursuit of the tangible. We scientists are  hard-wired to prove everything even when the current version of the facts points to the unknowable. The observer changes that what is observed… a fundamental principle of psychology & of physics. You cannot know the wave-length & the position of a sub-atomic particle (the basic foundation of nature) at any given point of time. So said the great Alchemist Heisenberg. It is only when I loosen my grip to allow the filaments to flow through what I thought I possessed that i actually deduce the coursing of the river. With humility I join the great lineage. The gold of course is simply the awareness... the ever widening sphere that includes my knowing & your knowing & the deeper knowing. It is not a metal. It is a refraction of the lux-emanant. I am not the alchemist. I am the alchemy itself.