Tuesday 28 February 2017


I learned a very powerful lesson last summer. I sought, in myself, to understand whether true compassion existed. Not a fleeting awareness of another being’s suffering.... as though a glass darkly….but a true deep shared experience of what they were going through. I affirmed with adamant certainty that I have that compassion at the source of my being. It is unassailable. That certainty opened an understanding for me that has changed everything. If that compassion absolutely exists in me it exists in the Universe as well. I am but a small shard of the abiding brilliance of the Creation. My compassion is but a drop in the ocean of the Compassion that abides throughout. This was the complete melting of all my resistance. There is a loving presence at the Alpha and the Omega. What I thought was the Void in an instant became the Presence. I am still trying to fully embody the depth & power of this understanding. 

Tuesday 21 February 2017


What is the arcane quest to turn lead to gold? Therein lies the great mystery that we continue to cloak in our rational pursuit of the tangible. We scientists are  hard-wired to prove everything even when the current version of the facts points to the unknowable. The observer changes that what is observed… a fundamental principle of psychology & of physics. You cannot know the wave-length & the position of a sub-atomic particle (the basic foundation of nature) at any given point of time. So said the great Alchemist Heisenberg. It is only when I loosen my grip to allow the filaments to flow through what I thought I possessed that i actually deduce the coursing of the river. With humility I join the great lineage. The gold of course is simply the awareness... the ever widening sphere that includes my knowing & your knowing & the deeper knowing. It is not a metal. It is a refraction of the lux-emanant. I am not the alchemist. I am the alchemy itself. 

Thursday 9 February 2017


 I dipped the toes of my mind into the ocean of mathematics. Both as a child & as an intrepid thinker. I dabble in the world of sacred geometry. The more I look into this field of beauty & precision the more I feel humbled. I am a poet. I make connections.This is about beauty and the sublime. I am a sometimes scientist. The world of mathematics is about the truth. No mirages... just the stainless steel.. the adamant and crystalline skeleton of what truly is. The mind of the Divine is Mathematics. The heart of the Divine is poetry. All we can do as mere mortals is aspire. I aspire to enter the mind of the Divine but to embody the heart of the Divine. There is nothing to fear. Just ease back into the easy chair of yourself. It is unfolding as it must and as it will.

Wednesday 1 February 2017


There are so many names. So many images. Do not get confounded, bewildered, baffled. Be still & know. Be still. In that stillness..... from that single point everything ..... everything.... emanates.... evolves... encompasses. Even a glimpse suffices. Even a crack of light below the door. Even the gentlest breeze. Unfolds. Enfolds. A deep breath. A slow sigh. Behold.  Returning. Arriving. Behold.