Tuesday 28 July 2015


 Good old Heisenberg..... His equation says it all. The nature of paradox holds that two mutually exclusive truths can pertain at the same moment. I am not my body exclusively despite the tenets of modern psychiatry & the facts of neurobiology. I am not my psychology, my personal identity, my ego. I am not exclusively a spiritual being either. I am both simultaneously. But if I were to be frank I would maintain that once I accept my spiritual identity everything changes. It all unfolds. If artificial intelligence is a reality I maintain my equanimity. It  does not intersect with the divinity of my soul. The realm of the divine is boundless. It emanates right from the source. I am settled serenely at that source. The paradox of my nature.... soul vs. body.... dissolves its own riddle. Once I acknowledge the reality of spirit all other realities diminish. 

Tuesday 21 July 2015


In physics we talk about the field… the grid of dark matter… the underlying possibility… the unfolding of probability. All remains possible. The Creation unfurls like lotus petals releasing their daubs of white on the black canvas of night. The grid is a certainty. The fractal kaleidoscope of permutation & manifestation. The ripples interlock & refract. The hand of the Creator opens. The field reveals the shape it adopts for the here & now. We must bless what surfaces. The one premise I arrive at: The Creation is perfect. It cannot be added to nor subtracted from. Let it be. Let it become.

Thursday 16 July 2015


I find myself asleep. I nap. I dream. I drift. I am unconscious… lost to the world. The mists of oblivion erase the sharp edges. The fog clears from the lens of my awakening. I  see with the two eyes that anchor my place in the time-space continuum. I am grateful for the clarity. Clarity. That is my word. That is my invocation…. “Give me clarity.” To know the world as it is. This is a great boon. But to open my inner sight… to know the paths of eternity & to see the Immediate Light that emanates from the Source in the here & now. That is the Clarity I truly seek. To be aware in the now & but simultaneously to awaken to the forever. My invocation… “Give me Clarity!"

Thursday 9 July 2015


In twelve step work the goal is to surrender to the higher power. Most religions are built around the edifice & structures of a supreme, distant Divinity who at once is above & distant from us who watches in judgement & wields a sword of salvation or destruction based on a set of precepts & consequences. I discover that my higher power is in fact my higher self… my true or genuine self who knows who I am & who I am meant to be. I stray. I wander. I lose myself. Then my higher self calls to me. I return. I resurface. I enter. I am who I am supposed to be. My spiritual relationship is not with a distant Divine Other but with Myself… my deepest self… my original self. I ease into the awareness that I am at the Source. Always have been. Always will be. My spiritual journey is towards my higher self. I am calling to me. It is time... to become me.

Wednesday 1 July 2015


This is the female form, 
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot, 
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction, 
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapour, all falls aside but myself and it.....

Ahh Walt Whitman…. he said it best in his long, single breath lines one hundred & fifty years ago. The human body is miraculously beautiful. Delicate, vulnerable, but resilient & resourceful…a creation of sublime, imbricate complexity. & yes… we are electricity incarnate. Photons transfigured into electrons. The past is imbued with deep sadness. The future seems bleak. But the moment… the Immediate…. it crackles with the flow & charge of the divine currents of boundless energy. I am so grateful to be in this body. I sing the body electric.