Saturday 25 November 2017


& after the fire has all burned down what underpins the structure of the ether? Is it dark matter? Is it the void? Is it the voice of God? The voice of God is Silence. My explorations take me to the very brink of an emptiness so exquisite all that remains is my breath held at the verge of turning back on itself.  & it is in this tension... in the paradox... one vs two vs three vs the ten thousand worldly things that the understanding lies. I tease it apart like the components of a single atom. It must be held in this abeyance or else the fire that lies within the heart of the single point explodes outward like the fire-dragon of all that is. & it starts over...  like it always has & will. The still point & the coiling dragon....  burning & turning... burning & turning. Can I hold this contradiction up in the blue, blue sky of the Mind? I can. I will it. The centre holds.

Wednesday 22 November 2017


The myths of yore: Salamanders were born from fire. I imagine this strange idea comes out of the shape of the flames licking up form the embers like so many red & white & yellow & orange lizards. The real salamander is cool & wet &  often green & lives below rocks in the dew. Associated with the heraldic emblems of medieval kings, the salamander graced the flags of knights in battle gear. How does the imagination of man work?  No less fantastic than the imagination of the Divinity that creates all the multitudes of earthly form. The fire dragon that sprang from the furnace forge of my vision echoes the circle form of the Salamander on the robes of the Royalty in the Major Arcana of theTarot… opens a key in the chest of Alchemy.  All these are clues… mirrors as it were to see through the flame to the clear blue of day.

Friday 17 November 2017

FIRE DRAGON… the heart of the Sun

I sit on a spinning rock that circles a middle-aged star that careens smoothly on the outer edge of a spiral galaxy… one of several billion in the universe that is merely one universe in the multiverse.  I found out yesterday that two thirds of the living soil of this earth is made from the mycelia of mushrooms that form the largest living organism on this fragile intergalactic body. Mushroom mycelia communicate with the speed of light. Mushroom spores can survive travel through the deep expanses of deep space. The entire akashic record and all we need to know… including the DNA code that unfolds life itself is prestidigitated  into those little spores that have travelled across the blackest, emptiest seas of space. & here we are. The sun with  the  dense singularity at its  core calmly warms  the bountiful afternoons of my brief foray here. Earth, Air, Water & Fire. Which is more important. Today… I am saying …. Fire!

Thursday 9 November 2017

FIRE DRAGON.... (black hole)

So, what is at the centre of the Universe? Is it a singularity ... a black hole... a point that pulls the entire Creation back into a solid empty black dot... or is it the Great Mother of The Tao that blossoms forth like a time lapse lotus opening & opening? In truth, it is both.... simultaneously... an emptiness & a presence.... the Nothing... & the Everything. The Fire Dragon sits on the fine line. Allow the paradox. It is in that tension that consciousness itself sits poised.