Saturday 31 May 2014


 This arrow is for me. To remind me that the centre is always only a thought away. Why do I separate myself from the truth I have always known. The Creation is perfect. There is no division between Creator & Creation. They are simultaneous. An archer aims for the centre.  The glass arrow flies. The arrow never hits the target. All there is & ever will be is the act of flight. The destination is now, not later. No separation. No analysis... only synthesis. No dichotomy... only synergy. Anxiety arises when I feel the gap between my genuine self & the self I think I have been assigned. Where is my genuine self? The centre is only a thought away. The glass arrow flies.

Sunday 25 May 2014


What is there in your life to live for without question? I think of a handful of deep sources of joy & redemption. Music is the cathedral, the gentle rivulet, the abiding theme, the great tapestry that confirms the majesty of the Divine Creation. No contradictory words. No conflicting ideology. From the simple reedy voice of a solo flute to the gnarling crash & cacophony of metal guitar it is music that manifests the sublime beauty of eternity. My friend Michael is a brilliant guitarist. He plays Tom Petty. He plays jazz chords. His songs are seminal. He writes licks & riffs in the frequency of Wodin. He teaches the little children where the fingers go on the frets. I fire one glass arrow for him & all the musicians I know & love. Without music life is not worth living. D.C al Fine.

Wednesday 14 May 2014


There are several human activities that are of unquestionable merit for the human soul. The practice of martial arts is one such activity. Choose a martial art. There are many choices. Like many of the great awakenings, they all involve a meeting of the East & the West. To achieve mastery of a martial art takes thousands of hours. Like any great accomplishment the more you learn the more you realize you need to know. You will need a Sensei...  someone “born before you”, a master... a teacher. I work with Clint, my Sensei in Tae Kwon Do. My Sensei embodies the ideals I seek for my physical presence.... preparedness, flexibility, speed, agility, strength, fearlessness, loyalty, patience devotion & above all calm. As always I am the novice. I submit myself to a higher authority. I am here to learn.

Thursday 8 May 2014


My theme as always: what is it to be a male in this complex post 2012 world? No, let me expand... what is it to be human in this dawn of the new age of consciousness. Please stop kidding yourselves: the world we knew... the world you knew is over. It has ended. The Newness is upon us. Embrace it. Let it come into being. It happens whether you are ready or not. It is all around us. We are not Human Beings... we are Human Becomings, each & every one of us in different stages of awakening. I commit to being a warrior of the Light. I commit to embodying the Light. I am beyond fear. I have already died. I am reborn. Born into the light. I pull from my quiver Three Glass Arrows & launch them into the Stillness. The Center holds. Silent & clear as Mountain water.