Saturday 30 October 2021


 Are you the same as me? Do you not feel the presence? What words do you use to bring them to your clarity? …Angels? Aliens? Devas? Little People? Fairies? Spirit Guides? Or are you like my Daddy - a mathematical minimalist with your Zeros &  Prime Numbers & Immutable Variables? When they touch you with their open eyes - see you with their brilliant finger tips - do you shiver like me? Suddenly it dawns on me. I stop in my tracks. The silence. I am never alone.

Dear Madame Blavatsky?

I keep getting these dreams of two wolves watching me? Should I be alarmed? Please send me a knock knock joke. So I will know.



The pillow clouds punch up the horizon of my sweet fatigue after a long journey across the municipalities of should & should not.  I man the tiller of my dream-craft to cross the Eidetic Sea to the land called Hypnogogia. The Hypnogogians till the two fold gardens with ceaseless mirth & befuddling invention. It is on those shores I see the creatures that inform the very spine of why of how & when. Three horses gallop full bore. Hell bent on leather. Across a landscape bereft of colour.

Dear Dr. Freud? 

Pray tell what does it all mean? I don’t see a singly sexual innuendo here. Please respond by return post.




“Everything changes!”  The words the lonely wanderer spoke on the foot path into the Himalayas. The Cosmic joke : When you go as fast as fast can go everything comes to a full stop. Period. The speed of light arrests time. Simultaneity/Multiplicity. One dream-laden eyelid, shuttering down in the violet of twilight on the floating island of Mesmer. The elephant enters the lotus pond in time-lapse without a splash & it all comes into being. By the time the eye opens once again a whole Universe has been & now is gone. Like the elephant.

Dear Dr Jung

Any thoughts? Is it the three? Is it the black and white? Is it the mare or the stallion or the piebald pony in between? Please send a smoke signal or two. I will not be able to sleep otherwise, anyhow.



Wolf. Horse. Mountain. Snow. Separate, they baffle. In the logic of the dream they all know their place & time. In the vision, I am the wolf. I am the horse. I am the cold wind. I am that distant mountain. I am that speed. I am that  stillness. It holds. It holds. But only for one moment. One moment. One moment.

Dear Dr  L. Tzu,

So what you have not said in any of the letters you have not sent in answer to the enquiry I meant to send about the meaning of my recurrent  dream of the three horses in the black and white -  please indicate what I am supposed to make of such an inscrutability.

Forever yours,



Saturday 17 July 2021


Paexocoetus / Progni-ichthys Exocetus /Cheilopogon/  Japanese Short-fin / Spot-fin / Black-fin / Atlantic White-tip / Narrow-head / Blue  / Pharaoh /  Four-wing ‘/ Blunt-nose / Sail-fin /Black-sail / Butterfly /Mirror-wing / Stained / Easter Island /  Small-head /  Large-scale / Tringa / Yellow-wing  / Limpid-wing / Clear /  California / Margined /  Short-nosed / Blotch-wing / Beauty-fin  / Glider / Back-spot  /Abe’s


The swell of the open sea - glassy, unbroken.

Fifty flying fish                     break free                   to open air.

My water craft tossed                           between

the depthless

                                    and the



Thursday 15 July 2021



Flying fish! oh flying fish!

Now i’ve wished my winsome wish,

Random chance or blindest fate

Water wings with weightless weight.

In what ether, thin and high,

Rose the shimmer of your eye?

Did the angels give a hand -

Not the water, not the land?

Hunted high and hunted low

Mahi Mahi from below.

From above, the Frigates dive.

Wings - the way to stay alive.

What could form so slight a thing -

Breezes light and ripple’s ring?

Who loosed the sinews of my heart?

What the science, what the art?

Nature slow or Godly Speed 

Helix spiral or piper’s reed?

Below the surface - above the deep

Did She who made the whale make thee?

Flying fish! oh flying fish!

Now i’ve wished my winsome wish,

Random chance or blindest fate -

Water wings with weightless weight


Sunday 30 May 2021

Triptych: Sutta 23: TWIN FLAMES

Love. Carnal, real time love between a man and a woman. Tango. Waltz. Two-step. Gavotte. Break Dancing. To truly dance that dance the lovers must be prepared to sacrifice all. Nothing left but the dance. A dance tempered in fire. To merge as flames. Twin flames. Lovers from the beginning. Across infinite galaxies. Across eons. To burn. To burn. To become the fire itself till there’s nothing left but the heat rising. The air pirouetting in slow motion. The dark of night - finally  - at ease.


Thursday 27 May 2021


& what of those beautiful tango dancers, Adam & Eve? You & me.  I pin so much hope on finding that one being who completes me. To jive, like the joyous, eight-footed octopod rolling in the deep of love-bliss, that Plato describes so succinctly, so comically. Complete. Married at the umbilicus. Yeshuah & the Magdelena. Yoni & Lingam. Romeo & Mata Hari. Judas & Juliet. & yet, & yet - I still - I still believe. Across the eons & vast expanses of inter-
galactic, inter-Cosmic time, each reaches out to the other. Yearning. Knowing completion is only a lifetime away. Maybe this time. Maybe. In the jostled crowd a face surfaces. A being. A recognition. Fingertips touch. A prestidigitation. An imbrication. The fruit is red, juicy with endless jewels locked into precision. The tango in the flames. For me, it continues. & who are you? Could it be you?



In Genesis, we focus on the serpent, on the fruit, & on those two doomed lovers. The real anchor of the story is the tree that sits at the heart of the garden. My viking ancestors note that the whole cosmos is centred on Yggdrasil, the sacred Ash from which Wodin hung. The Buddha came back from ascetic starvation by remembering the fragrance of the rose apple tree of his youth. Of  course he achieved full awareness under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya. The tree connects the earth to the sky. In my imagination, the lovers dance, the sun radiates, the dragon curls , furling his angelic wings ,  hurling out blasts of tempering fire. All this drama is calmed to stillness  by the majesty of the eternal Mother Tree that engenders life itself.


Wednesday 12 May 2021


Man is built in the image of the Divine. The corollary is equally true. The Divine is built in the image of Man. The dragon embodies the highest ideal of how that mystery unfolds. Wings of the angel. The breath of catalyst. The origin in the birth of galaxies. The skin of rippling ones & zeroes. The body of the serpent which emanates from the heart of the Great Mother, our living earth. Dangerous. Ferocious. Fearless. Puissant. Of the world of dreams but nonetheless more real than every pebble in the rock quarry of reality. Look into the eyes of a Dragon ( if you dare ). The knowing is so vast, so contained - we surrender to a beauty that knows no bounds.