Thursday 29 November 2012



Just when you thought all your kisses were spent

Just when you sat so lonesome in your lonesome tower

That’s when the Whisper-King offered his single flower

That’s when the stranger’s lips brush gentle as a wren

Just when you gave up seeding your joy

Just when you crossed the names from your precious book

That’s when the letter came, a coat upon the hook

& you awoke from dreams & saw the slender boy

I’ve been alive a long, long time

& all I learned, I learned before

The sky, the sea... the door, the key

I never left, I just arrived

Just when you thought all’s left but the grave

Just when the tarry sands cover the greenest ground

That’s when the dragon turns & begs to beg your pardon

That’s when the water light comes wave upon the wave

You’ve been alive a long, long time

& all you learned, you learned before

The sky, the sea... the door, the key

You never left, you just arrived

Monday 26 November 2012


If you do not embrace the shadow the shadow embraces you. A man has one major goal to master the two sides of his soul. It is not good & evil. It is the time of night & the time of day. I ask you to tell me which do you value more? Your sunshine life or your dream life. Think carefully before you answer. When you dream you are with God directly and completely in eternity. When you awaken you forget. When you are completely open you realize there is no difference between now & eternity. Between the divinity of God & the divinity of your soul. They are one. They have always been one. The shadow self wears the symbol of the ankh, the crucifix... the sign of redemption. The saint wears a pentacle... a sign of the interior dream life. It is in splitting that we lose our connection with the divinity. We split but we are one. The dreamer... the awakened one. The self & the shadow. The shadow & the luminous self. The Yin & the Yang. Me, I am a follower of the teachings of Lao Tzu. I do Tai Chi in my sleep... do the fire dance at noon.

Friday 23 November 2012


Seeking purity... the great desire. What purifies you. Is it the great fertility of the earth with its deep seams of gemstones & crystals? Is it the deep cleansing of the flame... the sun burning away the superficial layers to reveal the white? Is it the wind coming off the range tossing aside the clouds... caressing the blue? Or is it the clear brook stream fingering through the moss, polishing the brown eggstones of the valley. The fish are everywhere for me... the rainbow trout, the black galaxy fish of the starry night, the darting minnow flames; the great black whale shark of the deep coal beds. I seek purity. Then I close my eyes. I see the creation is perfect, cannot be added to or subtracted from... even the anxieties of this mortal life.

Saturday 17 November 2012


 "Fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated & detailed mathematical constructs having fractal dimensions”. Begin to understand this you finally begin to become human... a human becoming. Follow me... you see we are just about to arrive. The watershed moment approaches. Before the big bang. After the midgard snake swallows its tail. The human mind gives birth to itself... the thoughts of the human mind... the infinite... infinitesimal thoughts of the human mind. Mathematics is the code of the void theorem unzipping its DNA. I urge you to look into images of fractals... the theory hurts my poor, soft, little brain. The bomb is set. Understand the fractals of being & we sidestep the annihilation we plan for ourselves. Understand... it is now in our generation that the great arrival is occurring. Too big a bite for your midnight snack... enjoy the fractals I so valiantly attempted in my little painting.... I AM IT IS I AM. 

Thursday 15 November 2012


Goal 1: Paint within the confines of the golden ratio


The dimensions of the Parthenon, the face of Notre Dame, the sides of my mastercard. The ratio of true beauty. Ask Pythagoras or his buddy Euclid. Or ask the two Leonardos. 


Goal 3: Paint the mirror. 

Lewis Carroll knew about mirrors. So did, Kurt Vonnegut. The mirror, like the frame is in the same golden ratio. Do you see through the looking glass to the alternate universe or universes? Is it a leak to from another dimension? Mirrors are mysterious. Alzheimer patients see themselves in a mirror & believe someone has stolen their body. We observe the changes... the flaws.. the sadness in a face we forget is our own.

Mirrors are cold. So is the truth.


Goal 2: Paint fire & diamonds.

Monday 12 November 2012



How did you know to come to me?
How did you come to know me?

I was lost in my losing streak
Breezing through the evening breeze
Throwing snake eyes to the curb
Hugging  shoulders on a curve
I thought I knew a thing or two
I thought I knew a thing or two
All I had were piles of leaves  
& pages filled with words 

No this, no that, no here, no there
It’s all from nothing & everywhere
So said the flame in the midnight dark
So said the rooster in the sunny park
Amazing grace to save the wretch
The sun shade driver of the stretch
Back seat in the electric easy chair
A shooting star with thunder in my heart

How did you know to come to me?
How did you come to know me?

Jesus in the Garden, the Beatles on the roof
Brothers in the brotherhood... Sisters too
Surfing, soaring, piercing; the flowers drink the sun
 & petals falling from the lotus, falling one by one 
Touchstones in a flower bed of jewels
& so it’s key holes in a darkened school
A City in the Mountains... Katmandu
& then the salmon starts its run

How did you know to come to me?
How did you come to know me?

Saturday 10 November 2012


Tell me about reality. Oh, you human of the five senses. Take them away one by one. Where do you find yourself? I have discovered the gift of illusion. Smoke and mirrors. Turn the plane into space, add the element of time.... the Matrix, the continuum.. next add the briefest of moments, turn on the sparkling scintillation of cortex, the temporal lobe. Ah, here we are. Some of my favourites.. Please Google: Mantegna of the powerful toes... his inner domes. Check out the skull in The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein....blows your mind don’t it? And all of Dali... almost too much like a bad dream trip, but necessary. My cubism contains little tricks of time & space. I desire red paint that opens the door to Andalusia. Castanets please! Takataka Takatak TakaTaka TAK! & now friends, behold the RED GUITAR.....