Friday 28 February 2014


She is known as the Mother of Mercy & Compassion, the source which gives birth to warmth, compassion & relief. She engenders, nourishes, smiles at the vitality of creation, & has sympathy for all beings as a mother does for her children. Beneath, beyond, between the ancient traditions of the West & the East. She is our Mary Magdalene. Her arms open she brings us into the fold.

Thursday 27 February 2014


The Queen of the moon is the queen of dispassion. She stands apart without judgement. Her vision clear... unblemished. This is not a vision that sees with soft, gentle solicitude. She sees into our hearts with the laser beam of truth. She knows our secrets, our desires. The cool, white light at four in the morning when the city lights are low. Her gifts are sacred. Her gifts are abundant. She commands respect. Once you accept her gifts there is no going back. The light she shines penetrates, reveals the soul’s true nature. You have been changed... utterly changed.

Sunday 23 February 2014


Light Abides! From the titanic eruption of light that exploded from a single point 13.8 billion years ago to the simple flicker of a taper’s flame in a winter cabin on the edge of Lac LaRonge in northern Saskatchewan. My man Einstein had it right. The only constant is light. We come from light. We return to light. Light flits through each interchange of our cells. There are many names for this purity. Pick one in whatever lanaguage, creed, ideology or understanding you find yourself... but bathe yourself in light. The play of light. The penetration of clarity & purity. It is the Source. Add light to the Light. The Darkness cannot remain. Light Abides!

Wednesday 19 February 2014


For so long I felt alone. The universe was my hallucination, my projection... Creation a mere solitary fantasy. Behold the humble bumble bee. The mind of the Universe, the Intelligence that infuses All takes the form of a hive... Cell after cell filled with liquid Gold; a chrysalis in each. A great mystic Michael told me the human soul is a fractal of the infinite fractal Universe, itself a fractal in the expanding fractal called the Multiverse. My divine soul... Your divine soul ...  fractals. I am not alone. You are not alone. We are in the hive-mind... the fractal intelligence of the Divinity. We are indivisibly connected by cells of sublime light.

Friday 14 February 2014


There are forces in the Universe that wants us to invest in fear. The Awakened One teaches there is nothing to fear. The deep source at the centre of the universe is Love. Love & Light. Fear is a turning away from love into solitude & darkness. Lesser beings use fear to control us. Fear is a thin dark skin in the shimmering opalescences. See it as a slender shadow... The power disappears. Respect the orders & the rules that discipline this four dimensional world. But be not afraid. The Divinity that created the Universe never created darkness... never created hate... never created evil... never created fear. We are guided & protected always.  The Light is intelligent & awake & aware of who we are. Love is alive.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


 The great flaw in all organized religion is the separation man places between man & the Creation. The hubris that allows us to think we are special just because we write & read books. Does a book give us permission to do what we want with what we never created? We do not possess even an iota of the Creation.  Man, with his oil-sands & megalopolises & sacred texts & cyber libraries is merely one more ripple on the surface of all that is. Fear not fellow sentient beings. All that synthetic static evaporates like mist on the morning pond. Man & his troubled mind-chatter is subsumed by the Beauty, by the Mystery. Sister Buffalo. Brother Crow. Sister Seahorse. Guide us from the dappled shadows that surround. The Creation is perfect. The Creator created it from nothing. The Creator is in charge. Always has been.

Friday 7 February 2014


 My first memory is of sitting around a campfire & the story teller speaking of the Thunderbird. A flash of lightning stirs the wind &  the cleansing rain rains down. Sioux warriors, the men of mystery, paint Thunderbirds on their ghost shirts & dance the ghost dance. Fearless. Bullets perforate the flesh but never kill the spirit.  Thunderbird protects us from the dark spirits of the underworld & the random happenstance of the everyday. Thunderbird reminds us to be fearless in the face of certain death like my Rabbi Yeshuah who went back to Jerusalem into the teeth of danger with an easy soul. “Today is a good day to die... oh my children.” Thunderbird rises like the Phoenix from the flames. Ferocious. Fearless. Free.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round..... The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours....
Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.
Black Elk Oglala Sioux Holy Man 1863-1950

Monday 3 February 2014


We await. Patience. Who is it that comes?  The Lakota people wait for white buffalo... the white buffalo calf woman. There have been times & cultures that approach the serenity of the garden of Eden. I feel great kindred with the people of the Great Plains of the American continent... the Sioux, the Cheyenne, the Cree, the Blackfoot. The time of the Bison. When the white buffalo returns the great beauty the purity of this beautiful world will be restored. I feel it in my bones. The Thunderbird rises. The crow flies. The white buffalo stirs the fields of gold. It has been redeemed. In our time, the white buffalo has returned.