Tuesday 20 October 2015


“To suffer with”.  If reason is the tool I use to understand suffering, compassion is the medicine I use to ease it. Reason is a precise, cold, glass sword. Compassion is the white bird rising free. There is a difference between empathy & compassion. Empathy involves an energy, an action, an entering into another’s suffering. Compassion eases me alongside… a being with. Empathy can be exhausted. It is a resource. Compassion if truly felt is boundless… oceanic. Illness opens the door to profound suffering. The art of healing is the art of compassion. Suffering is universal. Understanding Suffering opens the path to spiritual freedom. Compassion allows us to know we are not alone on that path.

1 comment:

  1. Very eloquent brother spirit painter warrior. Right to the heart of the matter. We are not alone.
