Wednesday 23 April 2014


I know a horse. Two-Step. We have a deep understanding.  I ride him bare-back in the wind of the western mountains. A slender strap of leather connects us. The gentle pull of my wrist. The sensitive mouth. The muscles of his back ripple & tense below my thighs. The long horse hair of his mane & tail whips across my skin. Balance. My body moves, responds to his shifts, accelerations, veerings. Walk. Lope. Canter. Gallop. Go like Hell. Our bodies become one. Is this the ecstasy of love? It is the ecstasy of final friendship. Telepathy. He knows. I know. We know. Grace.  Speed. The great release of speed. Untethered like a kite without a string. Like two RedTails in the sunrise. Flight. I am ready for my destiny. I know a bond like no other. Rider & horse. Flow. Two Step & I. We are the wind. I am the Wind.                   The Wind.

1 comment:

  1. So much motion, so poignant and much shared energy...
