Sunday 28 January 2018

DRAGON 3 ( The Cobra.... sun in the blue sky)

The Blue Sky. Clear. Bottomless. Clouds. One by one. Solitary. In formation. Reduced to the simplest elements the Mind is elegant, expansive... eternal. The sky by itself. A field between the countless stars. When I was born I saw this way. My mind clear... cerulean... undefined.... limitless. I have glimpses now and then.... glimpses. The certainty I know.... the sky is always and always will be there... immutable... placid... in place. & in that vastness.... the Sun. The Source. The  compassion that emanates out from the certainty of the Will of the Creator. & what is the dragon then? The dragon is the living interplay between the vast emptiness of space and the boundless presence of the divine. That interplay takes place in the mind of an individual for instance... you perhaps. It coils. It spirals. It turns. There is relationship. The serpent tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden. It tempted them to awaken to become vulnerable. To be liberated from the material world... to stop the cycle of suffering. This waking up is not easy. I am half way there... still nascent... water in my eyes... Orange sun in the blue Sky.

1 comment:

  1. I love the progress you've made in your paintings. This one is well planned, and has great detai. It's like your vision of your works are coming into focus. Great piece Robbie!
