Monday 25 February 2013


Who are your spirit guides?  Could they be Magpies? Could one of them be a familiar like a horse? I used to be a Doubting Thomas. I needed to feel the wound before I would believe. I used to be a scientist in all my thinking. “PROVE ALL THINGS”.... it was chiselled on the wall at the Rutherford Building at McGill in Sir Ernest’s own words. No more. I am living in the mystery now. There are more things in heaven & earth than I dream of in my philosophy. I met a woman who has gifts as a psychic. She told me in no uncertain terms that one of my spirit guides was my grandfather Ross. He is with me now as I sit at my computer. Ross was the kindest man I have ever met. He chose the blessed path of the meek. This is  photograph forms a detail from 'JUICY FRUIT" - a photo of Ross, myself & my brother David. I tend toward the vainglorious & flamboyant. Ross is with me and with my brother. He keeps us grounded. Remember your ancestors... they are the link to knowing who you really are.

1 comment:

  1. I love this photo- and your message. My gosh do you and David look like Sol and Sis. Beautiful how we are "paid for" by our family before us. Maya Angelou has written a wonderful piece on this in one of her memoires.. Thank you Robbie.
