Sunday 3 February 2013

JUICY FRUIT (aka Where is She?)

Another enquiry into the nature of the gaze. In “Juicy Fruit” everyone is looking for someone who just isn’t there. The viewer looks upon the monitor which despite the advent of FaceBook is still just a screen with pixels... bits and bytes. Where is the person who should be at the monitor?  One magpie that is “real” looks for his mate who is alive in cyberspace. That magpie looks at the camera which is taking her picture. Who is taking her picture? The rider of the horse takes the picture. The horse looks for his rider. The man in the window looks at the horse... Where is she? The people in the photo look out into the world. Who are they looking for? The viewer looks at this world of enquiry, asks what is it... who is it I am looking for. Gaze into the darkness... perhaps the one you seek is just beyond the veil.....

1 comment:

  1. It really came together Rob. The painting within the painting within the painting.
